- Aquamarine Dreams - Ralph Ring and Otis T. Carr |
- Airplanes - The Modern Past - Main File |
- Classified Advanced Antigravity Aerospace
Craft Utilizing
Back-engineered Extraterrestrial Tech. |
- "Electric Flying Machines" - Thomas Townsend Brown |
- Evidence of Ancient ETs on Earth
- Is This Artifact a Sculpted
Scale Model of a Rocketship? |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/adobe_reader2.jpg)
- Genesis for The New Space
Age - Secret
Development of The Round Wing Plane, the Extra Terrestrials Inside
the Earth, and... |
- German Disc Aircrafts (1922-1945 and beyond)
File |
- Gravity and Antigravity - Main File |
- 'Half-Alien' Group Foresees
Disaster - Japan UFO
Landing |
- Hypercommunication - A New Scientific Interpretation of "UFO
Experiences" |
- ¿Jeroglíficos de Maquinas
Voladoras? |
- Mystery Space Machines of John Lenard
Walson - Strange Things
Above |
- Objetos Voladores en el Arte - Main File |
- OOPARTS and OOPTHS - Out Of Place Artifacts/Out Of Place
Things |
- OOPARTS y OOPTHS - Artefactos Fuera de Lugar/Cosas Fuera de
Lugar |
- "Outside The Box" - Space and Terrestrial Transportation and Energy
Technologies for The 21st Century |
- OVNIs y Propulsión con
Electrogravedad - de
'Los Diarios Perdidos de Nikola Tesla' |
- Rand Document - UFOs: What to
Do? |
- Roswell -
The "ET Myth" Vs. the "Nazi Legend" - An Examination of Some Mj-12
Documents |
- Sombras Extraterrestres |
- Space Shuttle Coverup & True Story
Report - Main File |
- Stargate - UFO Reality Shift? |
- Sylphs & Chemtrails - Main File |
- The Aviary - An UFO Secrecy Group - Main File |
- The Carp-Guardian Case - The Most Controversial UFO Case in Canadian
History |
- The Dragon Snake - A Solomon Islands UFO
Mystery |
- The Home of The Gods - by Lobsag Rampa |
- The Intelligent and Practical
Physics of UFO Propulsion |
- The Nonlinear Zone - UFO Experiences and
Hypercommunication |
- The Search for Extraterrestrial Artifacts
(SETA) |
- The Spaceships of the Prophet
Ezekiel |
- The Stargate Chronicles |
- The Subterranean Origin of the Flying
Saucers - from 'The
Hollow Earth' by Dr. R. W. Bernar |
- The Untold Story - U.F.O. Files |
- Time Travel and UFO
Connection |
- UFO Classification Systems |
- UFO - Nuclear Historical Correlative
Research - Nuclear
Connection Project |
- UFO Phenomena and the Self-Censorship of
Science - from
"Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries" |
- UFOs And New Frontiers - Connecting With The Larger
Reality |
- UFOs and Electrogravity
Propulsion - from 'The
Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla' by Tim Swartz |
- UFOs and The United Nations |
- UFO Secret Meetings at The United
Nations - Main File |
- UFOs - Physical or Subtle? |
- UFOs - The Psychic Dimension |
- Unidentified Flying Objects - Introductory
Space Science - Department of Physics - USAF |
- Uzbequistan y 'el Hombre de
Marte' |
- Vimanas -
File |
- War In Heaven, War On
Earth -
File |
Information |
- A Climate Solution That Is Out of This
World |
- Admiral G.Pinon Writes to President Nicolas Sarkozy
About UFOs |
- Aircraft - Hi-Tech/Top Secret Military Weapons |
- Air Force One and The Alien
Connection - A Video
Interview With Bill Holden |
- America's Secret Space Program and The Super
Valkyrie |
- Ancient Secret Societies, UFOs, and the New World
Order |
- Antarctica - A Nazi Base? - An Excerpt From 'Alien
Agenda' |
- Apollo 10 Gets Glimpse of an Extraterrestrial Monolith
in Space |
- Apollo 19-20 and The Crashed Extraterrestrial
Mothership -
Main File |
- Argentina - Expedition Seeks To Recover Crashed
Saucer |
- Artistic Recreation of Extraterrestrial Visiting Space
Shuttle Released by Former Space Craft
Operator |
- Aryan UFOs and Antarctic
Bases |
- Astronauts and Apollo's
Missions -
Main File |
- Big UFOs Battle Around The
Sun |
- Bill English - Interview With an Unnamed
Source |
- 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier and
UFOs -
Main File |
- Briefing Obama on UFOs and Extraterrestrial
Life |
- British Government Releases UFO
Files |
- Canada Releases UFO X-Files to The
World |
- Channeling, UFOs and The Positive/Negative Realms
Beyond This World |
- CIA Papers Detail UFO
Surveillance - Historic
UFOs |
- CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs,
1947-90 - A Die-Hard Issue |
- Circles of Power - Behind UFO
Secrecy |
- Colección de Fotos de Objetos Voladores No
Identificados |
- Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean, Nato’s Secret UFO
Assessment and Setting the Record
Straight |
- Confirmation & Update on Secret United Nations
Meeting Discussing UFOs & Extraterrestrial
Life |
- Cosmic Top Secret Report - UFO information
from Command Sergeant Major Robert
O.Dean |
- Dan Sherman - Way Above Black - A Video Interview With Dan
Sherman |
- Deceptive UFO Documents - Doubt, Debate and Daunting
Questions - Majestic
Documents |
- Did Howard Hughes View a Captured UFO and It's
Occupants? |
- Did Magicians Cause UFO
Sightings? |
- Did President Kennedy Meet
Extraterrestrials? |
- El Invasor Anónimo - Reto a la Inteligencia Norteamericana |
- Esotericism and Ufology - A Different Perspective on The UFO
Phenomenon |
- Eyewitness Report of Crop Circle
Forming |
- Evolving Political Approaches to UFOs & the
Extraterrestrial Hypothesis |
- Exopolitics and A Positive Human
Future |
- Exopolitics - Discipline of Choice for Public Policy Issues
Concerning Extraterrestrial Life |
- Exopolitics - UFO Rip |
- Extraterrestrials and The
Environment - Nuclear
Power Plants, Nuclear weapons and ETs (1944 -
2007) |
- Extra-Terrestrial Exposure
Law - Already Passed By Congress |
- FAA Release of Radar Data Signals a New 'Openness
Policy' on UFOs |
- Gary McKinnon - Hacking Away At Truth and the Failings
of the Disclosure Community? |
- Geo-political Considerations on The Roswell Cover-Up
and The Emerging Field of Exopolitics |
- ¿Hadas y OVNIs? |
- Hav-musuvs' Story - Secrets of the
Mojave |
- How the U.S. Government Suppressed the World’s First
Civilian Spacecraft Industry |
- Implications for Extraterrestrial
Visitation |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/adobe_reader2.jpg)
- Instrument Technologies for the
Detection of Extraterrestrial Interstellar Robotic
Probes |
- Introductory Space Science - The United States Air Force and
UFOlogy |
- Is Partial Official Disclosure of UFOs as Classified
Antigravity Vehicles Inevitable? - Growing Media Interest in UFOs |
- Is Someone Killing Our UFO
Investigators? |
- Is There An Underwater UFO Base Off The Southern
California Coast? |
- Ley-Lines & Their Connection To The
- Los Escudos Voladores de Los
Kachinas |
- 'Lost' Documentary Changes UFO
History |
- Meteor Broken into Pieces by
- NASA and Moon's Withholding
Information - from
'Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries' |
- Navy UFO Group |
- Nibiru and The UFO Connection |
- Obama Administration to Clash With Corporations Over
UFO Files |
- Obama’s Choice of CIA Director Signals Renewed Effort
to Disclose CIA X-Files |
- Object Found in The Middle of
Greenland - It is 79,83
Kilometers Long - That is 49,61 Miles |
- Open Letter From a Group of French Scientists to The
Initiator of the Disclosure Project |
- Operation ”Highjump” and The UFO
Connection |
- Philip Corso and The Roswell
Incident -
Main File |
- Photographic Evidence of UFOs Landing on Capitol
Hill |
- Pilots to Tell Their UFO Stories for The First
Time |
- Plan 9 From Outer Space - Fears of An Alien Invasion Created Greater
Alarm in the US Than The Threat of a Soviet Nuclear
Attack |
- Planetophysical Function of Vacuum
Domains |
- Predicted Mass UFO Sighting - Will it Force Disclosure to
Occur? |
- "Project JEHOVAH" - Interview With Ryan Wood |
- Project Paperclip - Recruitment of
Germans |
- Proposed White House ‘Extraterrestrial Affairs
Commission’ Puts Denver UFO Examiner’s on
Hold |
- Propulsion - Hi-Tech/Top Secret Projects - Main File |
- Reich of The Black Sun - Nazi Secret Weapons and The Cold War Allied
Legend |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/adobe_reader2.jpg)
- Report of an Unidentified Aerial
Phenomenon and its Safety Implications at O'Hare International
Airport - Nov. 7,
2006 |
- Revelations of Dr Michael Wolf on the UFO
Cover Up and ET Reality |
- Rockefeller Tells Clinton to tell
All About UFOs |
- Rockefeller - UFO Connection: An Alien Conspiracy? |
- Rockefeller UFO
Report -
Summary |
- Science in Default: Twenty-Two Years of Inadequate UFO
Investigations |
- Secret Government Technology and The
TR-3B |
- Source at U.N. Tells of Secret UFO Meeting February
12, 2008 |
- 'Space Aliens From The Pentagon'
- Synopsis of
Facts |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/adobe_reader2.jpg)
- Special Research Report -
Stephenville, Texas - A January 2008 MUFON Report |
- Stargate International's Disclosure
Conference - Transcript
of Interview with Bob Dean |
- "Star Wars" over Australia? |
- Symptoms of Pathological
Skepticism |
- Take a Leap Into Hyperspace |
- The Aldebaran Mystery…? |
- The Biggest Discovery of all
Times - Energy
Solutions to Produce it without Destroying the
Environment |
- The Case of The Flying Saucers - A 1950 Lecture on
UFOs |
- The Covert Organization Responsible for the UFO/ET
Issue: PI-40 |
- The Covert World of UFO Crash
Retrievals - An
Overview of Personnel Management in Majestic-12 Group
Projects |
- The Dragon Snake - A Solomon Islands UFO
Mystery |
- The Dropa - Main File |
- The Fake Second Coming - TechnoRealities / What Is Going On In The
Skies - Are Some UFO's From Earth? |
- The Global Crisis and The Ultimate Secret of The
Empire |
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of
Man - Visa to
Magonia |
- The Great UFO Coverup Is Falling
Apart - We Are
Definitely Not Alone! |
- The Harmonic Conquest of
Space |
- The Majestic Documents |
- The Man Who Invented Flying
Saucers |
- The Mystery of The Drones - Main File |
- The Pleiades... "Swiss Cheese"? - EyePod and Billy Meier |
- The Railroads And Aliens |
- The Real ‘X-Files’ - Is Uncle Sam a Closet
UFOlogist? |
- The Release of the French UFO files - March
2007 - On The Death
& Rebirth of Official French UFO Studies: 2004 -
2007 |
- The Saga of John Lear - Main File |
- The Science of the
Extraterrestrials -
2005, the Year of Explanations |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/adobe_reader2.jpg)
- The Secret of The
Saucers - by Orfeo M.
Angelucci |
- The Secret UFO Files Inside Indian Space Research
Organization – When
Will India Reveal the Existence of UFOs or... |
- The UFO Phenomenon - A Letter to the Editor |
- The USAF Space Command And What it
Does... |
- The U.S. Antigravity Squadron |
- The White House Role in Crashed UFO
Retrievals |
- The Zeta Reticuli Incident |
- Three Steps to Integrate The UFO/Extraterrestrial
Reality |
- Truth Commission Petition Gives Mandate for UFO
Disclosure |
- Twenty Two Years of Covert Service in Elite UFO Crash
Retrieval Teams -
Exclusive Interview with Sergeant Clifford
Stone |
- UFO Contact from The
Pleiades |
- UFO Disclosure Developments - April 4, 2007 |
- UFO Disclosure - Implications for the Environment, World Peace, Poverty
and the Human Future |
- UFO Lecture by Capt. Bill Robertson
- Transcript from Video
(1990) |
- UFO Over Vatican |
- UFOs - A Great New Dawn for
Humanity - of Enrique
Castillo Rincon |
- UFOs and New Frontiers - Connecting With
The Larger Reality |
- UFOs and Reported Extraterrestrial On Moon And
Mars |
- UFOs and The CIA - Anatomy of a
Cover-Up - from
"Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries" |
- UFOs and The National Security
State |
- UFOs and The U.S. Air Force - from "Suppressed Inventions and Other
Discoveries" |
- UFOs Crash Obama's Party and Open Door for 'X-Files'
Disclosure |
- UFO's Over Washington D.C. in
1952 |
- UFOs, Sovereignty and
Politics |
- UFOs - What the Government Really
Knows |
- Understanding The Alien Resource Corporate
Cartel |
- Underwater Bases And Vehicles In Relation To
Cetaceans |
- USA vs. UFO - Photographic
evidence of UFOs Landing on Capitol Hill |
- Vatican and UFO - Secretum
Omega |
- Was the Secret Service Overruled in the Release of FAA
Radar Data on the Stephenville UFO? |
- West Germany - Video/Battle Of Two
Spheroids |
- Whistleblowers’ Evidence of NASA UFO Fraud Might Kill
UK Hacker Case |
- Who Are They? - Strange Things Are Happening In Our
Skies |
The 1942 UFO
Battle of Los Angeles |
- 1942 Battle of Los Angeles UFO - Stunning New Photo
Enhancements |
- The Battle of Los Angeles - Photo
Analysis |
- The Most Incredible Mass Sighting of
All? - 1942 'Battle of
Los Angeles' - Biggest Mass Sighting In
History? |
- When America's 37th Coast Artillery Brigade Fired Off
1,430 Anti-Aircraft Shells at a UFO |
Multimedia: |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_youtube.jpg)
- The Battle of L.A. UFO Attacked by U.S.
Army |
Books - Treaties -
Reports |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/adobe_reader2.jpg)
- Alien
Encounters - The Secret
Behind The UFO Phenomenon - by Chuck Missler and Mark
Eastman |
- Alien Interview - Personal Notes and Interview Transcriptions Provided by
Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy - by Lawrence R. Spencer |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/adobe_reader2.jpg)
- Atmosphere or UFO? - A Response to
the 1997 SSE Review Panel Report - by Bruce Maccabee |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/adobe_reader2.jpg)
- Can the Vacuum Be Engineered for
Space Flight Applications? - by H.E.Puthoff |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/adobe_reader2.jpg)
- Inside The Space
Ships - by George
Adamski |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/adobe_reader2.jpg)
- Optical Power Output of an
Unidentified High Altitude Light Source - by Bruce Maccabee |
- Pentagon Aliens - Formerly 'Space Aliens From The Pentagon' - by
William R.
Lyne |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/adobe_reader2.jpg)
- Physical Analyses in Ten Cases of
Unexplained Aerial Objects with Material
Samples - by JF.
Vallee |
- Project Blue Book |
- Project Preserve Destiny - Above Black - by Dan
Sherman |
- Pyramid of Thoughts - by Daniela Giordano and Jan Pajak |
- Secrets of The UFO - by Don Elkins with Carla Rueckert |
- Special Operations Manual - SOM1-01 - Extraterrestrial Entities and
Technology, Recovery and Disposal |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/adobe_reader2.jpg)
- Story of A UFO
Investigator - by Barbara Bartholic |
- Suppressed Inventions and Other
Discoveries - True
Stories of Suppression, Scientific Cover... - by Jonathan
Eisen |
- The Case For The UFO - Unidentified Flying
Object - by Morris K. Jessup |
- The Cometa Report |
- The CONDON Report - by Dr. Edward U. Condon |
- The Day After Roswell - by Philip J. Corso |
- The Energy Grid - Harmonic 695 - The Pulse of The Universe - by Bruce L.
Cathie |
- The Flying Saucers Are Real - by Donald Keyhoe |
- The Gods of Eden - by William Bramley |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/adobe_reader2.jpg)
- The Hunt for Zero
Point - Inside the
Classified World of Antigravity Technology - by Nick
Cook |
- The Rockefeller UFO Report - The UFO
Briefing Document / The Best Available Evidence |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/adobe_reader2.jpg)
- The True Origin of The Flying
Saucers - Greatest
Geographical Discovery in History Made by Adm. R.E. Byrd...- by
Raymond Bernard |
- The Truth
- by Joseph P. Firmage |
- UFOs Are Real - Extraterrestrial Encounters Documented by the U.S.
Government - by Clifford E. Stone |
- Yo Visité Ganímedes... - ...El Mundo
Maravilloso de Los OVNIs - por Yosip Ibrahim (José Rosciano
Holder) |
External Links |
- UFO Documents
Index - from The
National Security Agency |
Multimedia |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_youtube.jpg)
- Alien Technology Operated by The
USA - Canada
Admits |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_myspacetv.jpg)
- Deep Sea UFOs |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_google.jpg)
- Fastwalkers Files Disclosure - Ellos Están
Aquí |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/flash.gif)
- Florida Man Captures Triangle UFO On Tape in
Pasco |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/flash.gif)
- Hyperdimensional Plasma
Ship |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_youtube.jpg)
- La Mayor Historia en La Historia de La
Humanidad |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_youtube.jpg)
- Larry King Live Exposes Nuclear Facilities Shutdowns
by UFOs |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_youtube.jpg)
- Mysterious Explosion Over North Wales
- UFO Crash in Llandrillo,
UK |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_youtube.jpg)
- Quantum Cosmology - Lord Desmond Leslie on Adamski |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_google.jpg)
- Secrets of The 3rd Reich |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_google.jpg)
- Secrets of The Third Reich II - Nazi Bases in
Antarctica - Russian
UFO Documental May 2006 |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_metacafe.jpg)
- Space Command - AirForce Space Today |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_youtube.jpg)
- Sueños Aguamarinos - Entrevista a Ralph Ring |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_youtube.jpg)
- The Battle of L.A. UFO Attacked by U.S. Army -
1942 |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_google.jpg)
- The Orion Conspiracy - The Only New Things Are Those Which Have Been
Forgotten |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_youtube.jpg)
- The Untold UFO War in
Antarctica |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_youtube.jpg)
- UFO Contactee - Alex Collier |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_youtube.jpg)
- UFO Files - Deep Sea UFOs |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_google.jpg)
- UFO - Out of The Blue |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_google.jpg)
- UFOs Are Here! - The Deyo Diaries Volume 1 with Stan
Deyo |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_google.jpg)
- UFOs - It Has Begun |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_google.jpg)
- UFO - The Greatest Story Ever Denied![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/boton3.gif) |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_google.jpg)
- UFO - The Secret NASA
Transmissions - The Smoking
Gun (2004)![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/boton3.gif) |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/icono_winmediaplayer.gif)
- West Germany - Video/Battle of Two
Spheroids |
![](Extraterrestrial Craft Articles_archivos/video_google.jpg)
- X-Conference 2008 - Press Conference at The National Press Club, April
21 |
Related Reports |
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